Saturday, October 17, 2009

Settlement Issues


Its been a looonng time now. Busy, exciting, tough, learning.. you name it. The past 2.5 months have been eventful by all standards.

It all started with the entry into this naukari shuda zindagi! A much awaited event in life. And with it began the thoughts of personal settlement at some point of time in near future. Now due to the lack of any such prior experience in the art I may not be in a position to fully understand the meaning of it. But going by the examples of the experienced ones and the general feelings around on such topics it was an unsettling thought for me.

It was also during this time that I realised how horrible I was and how I still sometimes continue to be. And felt fortunate to have the good people in my life who let me believe that I still got some worth and gave me the strength to strive.

And at the same time came the call to work on the swine flu project at the US site of the company and the opportunity to contribute as an enabler to the same field I saw through a student's perspective an year ago. So tonight at the end of three weeks here in North Carolina I finally sit down to compose what I have been unable to put down in words for the past 2.5 months of my life. The issues still unsettled and the solutions still being sought.

Meanwhile, a thought to ponder upon:
- Isn't it funny how often we doubt the truth, just because the lies are so prevalent out there.


aditi said...

Finally a long block :P
I think none is actually bad but we feel so because we only know ourselves and also because improvement requires observation.
Though to ponder over...very true!

Bhushan said...

That is a good observation.. if eyes are open things will be seen. Observation is must..